First Day at Shapelog

Hello Listeners,

My name is Dasha Jones you can learn a little more about me in my bio at the top of my page. Thank you for tuning in leave a comment if you have any questions I'm eager to answer. My first day started off very exciting. We were able to meet the whole team for the weekly Monday call which usually last about an hour. But this time since Andrea and I  are here the call lasted a little over. We did a little ice breaker in the end so the rest of the team could learn a little more about us. We learned lots of new terms and how Shapelog really works as a team. What I found really interesting about the call was Shapelog was invited CES in San Fransisco. They were discussing how much the cost was to have a booth there. The CEO thought this was a great idea to do and he wanted to discuss this with the team if they agree. Since he was the CEO I just thought the whole team would agree because it was a suggestion from the president.  But the team didn't agree they had a lot questions asking where would the both be? What floor level would they be on? and what the energy would be like in CES from previous experience. And the CEO took into consideration their suggestions and said he would research this a bit more and figure the exact floor plan of where they would be. Instead of just paying the money and going wherever they suggested. We also got our first assignment to probe companies check back in tomorrow to see how that goes !


Dasha Jones


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