Dear Listeners,
Brian our CEO has gave us a new list of todos before we leave. As well as he also offered for us to help our during school. Indicating that he said that I think Andrea and I have been doing very well this summer. Here our Andreas and I todos for the last two week.s 8-week challenge newsletter, photography in the gym, social media queue fora least two months in advance. Flyers + sign up sheet, social promotion - new logo implemented bullet format, schedule another marketing email. and lastly t-shirts and price ideas. We have came up with a few prices but feel free to comment below so inexpensive prices you would like to win. The prices will have to be related to workout such smoothie blender, wearables etc. We are interested in everyones ideas. I know I have said this multiple times before but this internship has flew by and throughly enjoying it. I can't wait to work with more start ups and build their analytics and social media.
Kind Regards,
Dasha Jones

Kind Regards,
Dasha Jones
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