How to get a internship!

Dear Listeners,

First I would like to say I am so thankful for this opportunity, I am thankful for my partner and the amazing relationship we created. And I am also thankful for Shapelog for allowing to actually step my foot in the door. I am thankful that Shapelog actually let me get hands on marketing experience
from huge projects, to just getting Shapelog's name out there. This internship is something I will never forget. This internship and experience that I have will allow me to make a huge impact on my resume. So guys I'm not going to give you every secret but I will give you a few.


  • Get your resume checked numerous times
  • Look up questions that someone will ask you in a interview
  • Practice interviewing in the mirror or to anyone you can find
  • Research the internship title your seeking and the company ( I found Shapelog's twitter, Instagram, and Facebook before I started)
  • Have you goals already set out people love to hear about ACTUAL future plans
  • Even if you applied to a fast-food chain DRESS PROFESSIONAL NO JEANS, NO OPEN TOE SHOES (YES THAT MATTERS).
  • Last but never least BE CONFIDENT EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO FAKE IT.

There was only 24 spots in this internship and 74 people applied and thankfully I was one of the 24. SHOOT TO BE THE BEST AND NOTHING LESS THAN THAT.


Dasha Jones


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